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邻居网【首尔】 「初次」品尝,幸会幸会初尝-无限之选

2015-06-28 全部文章 617
【首尔】 「初次」品尝,幸会幸会初尝-无限之选
初尝 ???吴磊吧 ??
???·创新菜·Creative Cuisine
电话 / ???? /TEL +822 5112 555
地址 / ?我是何塞 ? /Address 首尔市江南区岛山大路 30 街 23 号一楼?? ??? ???? 30 李天霞 ? 23 1 ? 1/F,
No.23 of 30th street, Avenue,? Gangnam District, Seoul, Korea

Alla Prima在意大利语中意为“初次尝试”,主打的是亚洲、意大利风格的混合 菜式。主厨金进赫在日本进修多年,擅长创新料理,并将食材的新鲜度放在首位, 充分体现食物原本的味道与香气。菜单会随着主厨的灵感而频繁更换,即便是回头客也总能品尝到不同的菜品。特别推荐可欣赏忙碌厨房的吧台座位。

?邢利斌 ????? “? ??”沈氏夫夫? ???? ?? ???? ???&???? 符咏梅 ????? ??鲁克润滑油 ?? ???. ???泗洪风情网 ? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????? ????, ??? ???? ?邻居网? 会泽吧 ???????? ???? ??? ??? ?红楼新梦? ??? ? ?? ??? ????. ??现金流游戏? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????. ?? ??? ???? ?? 朴秀彬 ??? ???? ?? ?? ???蔡闺 ??.

Allo Prima means the first taste in Italian;凯登·克劳丝 ?the restaurant features fusion cuisines blening Asian and Italian styles. Chef Kim has studied in Japan for years and is good at creative cuisine. The freshness of ingredients comes to the first place in his philosophy and he dedicates to present the original taste and fragrance of the food. The menu is updated as per his inspirations so even the old fans can always find something new.The bar counter seats arerecommended for it has the best view of the energetic kitchen.
营业时间 ???? Opening Hours
营业时间 青楼春上春???? Opening Hours每天 ?神相李布衣 ? 12:00 - 22:00休息时间 Break Time 任月丽 ??????14:00 - 18:00星期天休业 ?????
座位量 ????Seats个/美露华 ?
着装要求 ??????Dress Code无 ??麻豆腐的做法?Non-specified
人均消费 ???Prices50000 - 150000 韩币 / ?
