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爱尔兰民谣《Down By the Salley Garden(柳园里 / 漫步在莎莉花园)》根据叶芝同名诗歌谱曲而成。William Butler Yeats(威廉.巴特勒.叶芝)爱尔兰著名诗人、剧作家,1923年诺贝尔文学奖得主神鬼奇谋 。
《漫步在莎莉花园》这首叶芝早年的诗作韵律优美、感情细腻、辞藻华丽、象征意味浓郁、明显受到英国浪漫主义和法国象征主义诗歌的影响。日本歌手Fujita Emi(藤田惠美)演绎的《漫步在莎莉花园》很受欢迎。

Down by the Salley Gardens
Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;斯遇佳人丹枫琼浆 ,仙苑重深
She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.玉人雪趾米卡芬净 ,往渡穿林She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;瞩我适爱,如叶逢春But I, being young and foolish鲤鱼精哪里多 , with her would not agree.我愚且顽,负此明言In a field by the river my love and I did stand立顿烤肉,斯水之畔,与彼曾伫And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.比肩之处,玉手曾拂She bid me take lifeeasy, as the grass grows on the weirs;嘱我适世,如荇随堰But I was young and foolish, and now I am full of tears.惜我愚顽,崔心心 唯余泣叹!

韵味版Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;在莎莉花园深处,
吾爱与我曾经相遇。She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.她穿越莎莉花园,
以雪白的小脚月代头布丁 。She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;她嘱咐我要爱得轻松,
就像新叶在枝桠萌芽银针鱼。But I, being young and foolish, with her did not agree.但我当年年幼无知空山基,
不予轻率苟同。In a field by the river my love and I did stand,在河边的田野,
吾爱与我曾经驻足。And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.
She bid me take life easy墨镯, as the grass grows on the weirs;她嘱咐我要活得轻松,
当青草在堤岸滋长。But I was young and foolish盖欧扎克 , and now am full of tears.但我当年年幼无知郏县一高 ,

直译版Down by the Salley Gardens走进莎莉花园My love and I did meet我和我的爱人相遇She passed the Salley Gardens她穿越莎莉花园With little snow-white feet踏著雪白的纤足She bid me take love easy她请我轻柔的对待这份情As the leaves grow on the tree像依偎在树上的群叶But I being young and foolish但我是如此年轻而无知With her did not agree不曾细听她的心声In a field by the river在河流畔的旷野My love and I did stand我和我的爱人并肩伫立And on my leaning shoulder在我的微倾的肩膀She laid her snow-white hand是她柔白的手所倚She bid me take life easy她请我珍重生命As the grass grows on the weirs像生长在河堰的韧草But I was young and foolish但我是如此年轻而无知And now am full of tears如今只剩下无限的泪水Down by the Salley Gardens走进莎莉花园My love and I did meet我和我的爱人相遇She passed the Salley Gardens她穿越莎莉花园With little snow-white feet踏著雪白的孅足She bid me take love easy她请我轻柔的对待这份情As the leaves grow on the tree像依偎在树上的群叶But I being young and foolish但我是如此年轻而无知With her did not agree不曾细听她的心声But I was young and foolish但我是如此年轻而无知And now am full of tears如今只剩下无限的泪水

“成语飞花令”你来我往,精彩绝伦南汇二中 !
难忘的经典《高天上流云》美到心灵深处刘伯姬 !
天籁佛音 《空空歌》于自性中证一切佛经境界,一切都是内在的事 !
电影《首楞严演义》开悟的楞严泰山闯天关,智慧的宝藏灵歌百篇 ,来之不易的瑰宝!
歌曲音乐《水云间》《云水逸》心若云水任来去, 般若莲开自清逸我的上高 。
《佛母准提神咒》“我今称赞大准提我想去桂林,唯愿慈悲垂加护”应召女友 !
童声跟读版《三字经》 帮助孩子爱上诵读!
