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2016-10-02 全部文章 377

The structure of tasks.
女生说的。取款的时候,很多人都会忘了取卡,主要是因为他们focus on money。Card was sensitive for the bank account. Some people forget to take their money, but this phenomenon is less common.
In the past, people made error by forgetting to get their card after they got their money. UK has restructured the new atm. You have to get ur card before you get your cash. Although you would forget to get ur money娶夫纳侍 , it is more catastrophic to lose your card because it can access to ur bank account
Life after fossil fuels
关于fossil fuels的, Main point大概是说 1. the visual life of fossil fuels 2. three reason:第一个是说financial consideration high cost 第二个是说climate change 和 environment protection之类的 第三个说的是如果你不相信前两个原因那么第三个原因是supply的问题,也许从整个世界来说我们不会run out of fossil fuels但是某个国家会run out of就需要purchase from other counties卢维斯定理,alternative supply
people depended on fossil fuel a lot, it will run out some day刘美钰 , if one state run out of it, it will rely on other states. It is not a sustainable resource.
vision of fossil fuel(新题蒙克其其格 ? speaker就firstly development department use 一个proportion(没听清我写的large)of fossil fuel,secondly 听到carbon dioxide,thirdly类似于不管你believe不believe climate change 要考虑如果以后你在这个国家fossil fuel没了之类的,然后consider future after fossil fuel。
Indian peasants
? In this lecture, the speaker talked about the Indian peasants. In the beginning of the lecture he mentioned that Indian peasants have very high economical pressure.
? They are lack of capital, but they have to buy seeds. As the price of seeds were raised by seeds companies萨莫耶, they become poorer and poorer. And they have to borrow money from seeds companies.
? At the end of the lecture, he concluded that Debt on peasant is increasing due to high use of pesticide.
Talent war
● 因为现在short of talent,各个公司和国家都在争抢talent people。有一些young immigrants 上 university 去读书,然后就移民了。毕业后,他们就和 local 学生争 抢进一些公司(给了数据),但是其实国家也是通过这样的方式来吸引人才;同时 国家和其他 organization 应该把 talent 放在 primary 的位置上埃尔隆德 。
● 原因一change of the nature of economy lead to increasing in talent demand
● 原因二decreased population causes less skilled workers supply
Marry mallon
变题(可能是,塔琳托娅 机经我从没考过,和机经录音不一样),是个女的说的,口音很清晰妖娆殿下 ,稀土抛光粉 除了介绍marry的一些经历外,还解释了一下typhoid fever 是什么安溪清水岩 ,一般有什么症状,通过food and water 传播纳粹军歌 。说到marry的时候说她by repute an excellent cook银贡山庄 ,有时候住在朋友家有时候住雇主家,她应该生活比较快乐因为有表现pride and satisfaction。她可能不知道自己有天描 病高门庶女 ,因为只有minor flu like symptoms样样红歌词 ,但其他人就严重得多佣者领域,22个感染1人死亡。还说了很多年份,没记住。内容很多,得挑着写。
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